Cosmetic Dental Tips For Young Professionals
As a young professional, you want to make sure that your outward appearance is as well pulled together as your job credentials. Issues with your teeth can affect your confidence, which can indirectly affect your career prospects and job performance. At the same time, you want to be taken seriously as an adult, which means you don't want to look like a kid in braces. Fortunately, there are nearly invisible options for dealing with some of the common cosmetic dental issues. The following guide can help.
Uneven teeth
If you have relatively straight teeth that are instead plagued by uneven lengths, then you can fix the issue in one or two dental appointments. Filing down the teeth is the most common way to deal with uneven tooth lengths. As long as you have enough enamel, this may be all that is necessary. If your enamel is thin, your dentist may recommend veneers or bonding. This is when a thin porcelain sleeve is fitted over the teeth so they all have a uniform appearance. The procedure can be completed in two visits – one to take a mold of the teeth and a second to fit the veneers.
Veneers can also be used to disguise major tooth discoloration. Keep in mind that veneers are permanent; once you have them, you will need them for the rest of your life.
Tooth gaps
Gaps between the front teeth were traditionally treated by braces, but now you have two options. The first are gap bands. These bands are slipped over the two teeth that have a gap between them, thus slowly drawing the teeth together and closing the gap. You wear them at night, so no one knows that you are undergoing treatment.
The second option is to undergo tooth bonding. This is similar to veneers except the bonded material is made slightly wider than each tooth so that the gap is filled in. Much like veneers, this procedure usually requires two visits – one to make a mold and the second to complete the bonding process.
Crooked teeth
Crooked teeth, especially if they are causing chewing issues or jaw pain, require braces. Fortunately, braces don't mean that you are stuck with a mouth full of metal.
Invisible braces like Invisalign are an option for most people. The Invisalign system involves a series of clear plastic trays that are cast to fit your teeth. Each tray is slightly different, as they will be slowly forcing your teeth into better alignment. Although you wear the trays at all times, except for when you are eating, they aren't very obvious so most people won't even notice them.
For more help, contact a clinic like Fayetteville Family Dentistry.