
Rewinding the Years: Dental Care Tips for Older Adults

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Rewinding the Years: Dental Care Tips for Older Adults

Once my children were grown and on their own, I decided it was time to care of me. One of the first things I did was make an appointment with the dentist. I quickly discovered that years of not keeping up with my own dental care had taken a heavy toll on my teeth. Whereas I thought my teeth were just fine, the dentist pointed out several problems that were going to require a lot of work. When talking to friends, I found out that many of them were in the same boat. This blog is for people like me who just did not have time to keep up with their own dental care.

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It is important to take care of all aspects of your health, including your oral health. If you want to stay on top of your oral health, you will want to visit the dentist every six months. Regular dental appointments are essential for several reasons.

#1: Stop Plaque

Plaque is that sticky, whitish-colored buildup that accumulates on your teeth and likes to sit along your gum line. Plague is harmful to your teeth and builds up over time and can turn into tartar. When it turns into tartar, it can discolor your teeth.

The truth is that even if you brush your teeth twice a day, every day, plaque can still build up on your teeth. When you go to the dentist, they use strong tools to remove the plaque from your teeth. They have tools for getting rid of plaque that go beyond the abilities of your toothbrush and floss and help to prevent plaque buildup and stop tartar in its tracks.

#2: Prevent Gum Disease

The truth is that once you are fully in the throes of gum disease, it is about minimizing damage. When you go to the dentist regularly, though, your dentist will be able to identify early warning signs that you could be heading for gum damage and can take steps to ensure that you don't suffer from gum damage. Gum damage doesn't just hurt your gums; it hurts the entire health of your mouth and can impact the health of your teeth as well.

#3: Prevent Tooth Decay

Next, going to the dentist every six months can help prevent tooth decay. Your dentist can remove plaque from your teeth that contribute to tooth decay. They can also monitor your teeth's condition, see if tooth decay looks likely, and advise you on how to improve your oral health. They can suggest fillings if necessary to improve your oral health. If they spot tooth decay, they can address it when it is minor, before it has a chance to spread and get worse.

#4: Enjoy a Better Smile

Finally, going to the dentist more often can help keep your smile looking great. Regular cleanings will help you maintain white teeth, and if you need your teeth whitened at all, that can occur during one of your regular cleanings. They will also work to ensure that your teeth don't suffer damage, further impacting your smile.

Make an appointment at a dental office to take care of your teeth.